This is a website about an a rather unusual expedition. It is about cylcing to a remote mountain far away from roads and attempting to achieve the first ascent of that mountain. It is about freedom of travel in a harsh but mind expanding environment - Tibet's Chang Tang.
"Go there - check it out" was the concept when entering unknown ground. In all aspects it was a rewarding trip. The seven weeks long expedition was a full success. Here are some facts:
- 'Only' 1400 km on bike. However, only 200 km were on paved road, and 700 km were on small tracks and off-road
- 21 days continuously at altitude above 5000 m
- 3 Mountain summits: Toze Kangri SW 6369 m, Toze Kangri NE 6371 m, Tagchagpuri 6430 m
- Temperaturen ranged between -15°C und 47°C, constant wind from west to south-west
- 25 days out in the wilderness, no support no contact possible
- each person transported about 60 kg total weight, 40 kg of ths was stuff on the bike and trailer (food, fuel for cooking, mountaineering gear, camp, etc..)
- NO accidents and failures
This website give a bit of an impression about this fascinating trip. Images are clickable: one click will enlarge, a second click will close the large image. Have fun exploring.
Where were we?
Chang Tang
ChangTang - the Tibetan high plateau is considered as one of the last real wilderness of the world. more…
Toze Kangri
Toze Kangri mountain range is located at the western edge of the Chang Tang. more…
Tagchagpuri is a small, steep mountain that significantly sticks out from ist surrounding. more…